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Latest Headlines

  • Caterham corps cooks up £100k Puma tribute

    UK CAR legend Caterham has teamed up with RAF motorsport aces to produce a special edition of their classic Seven 360R hot-rod using panels and components from a retired Puma helicopter.

  • Aloha!

    Lossie sub-hunters land in Honolulu

  • Simply the Fest

    MORE THAN 4,000 Service personnel, families, veterans and guests attended this year’s Lossie-Fest.

  • New face in space

    AIR MARSHAL Paul Godfrey is crossing the Atlantic to start a new role with the US Space Force.

  • Wills fired up by return to Valley

    HRH PRINCE William climbed into the hot seat to take part in a firefighting drill as he returned to RAF Valley where he spent three years as a Search and Rescue helicopter pilot.

  • Art of war

    Some military aircraft are plain works of art, as aviation enthusiast Ronan Thomas found on a recent flight in an ex-RAF Rapide which this year marks its 90th anniversary

  • McNally presents Arms in Cardiff sign-up

    Blue and Blacks move for 6ft 7in RAF Inter-Services stalwart Josh

  • Brize mobility is a force to be reckoned with

    Station's putting the Kart into Carterton

  • Isle of Man T2

    A TRIO of 4 Sqn Hawk T2s performed a flypast over St John’s on the Isle of Man to mark Tynwald Day, the islanders’ national celebration.

  • Eddie’s got the readies

    AN INTREPID microlight instructor has raised more than £1,100 for a memorial to the Battle of Britain based at the other end of the country from him.

  • Navy goes it alone with F-35 flight

    THE FIRST Royal Navy squadron to operate the F-35B fighter jet has completed its first independent operational sortie in the aircraft.

  • Clean sweep honours Mat

    AIR FORCE personnel turned beachcombers in memory of a soldier killed by an elephant he was trying to protect.

  • Museum hits global top ten

    THE RAF Museum Midlands has been voted one the world’s top 10 family days out – according to a visitor satisfaction poll.

  • Mountain scramble

    VALLEY’S MOUNTAIN Rescue experts were called in to assist local emergency services when a walker fell and suffered a serious leg injury on Mount Snowdon.

  • Top cop appointed Provost Marshal’s WO

    TOP COP Adele Good is to become the first female Provost Marshal’s Warrant Officer next month

  • Hitting the Heights

    FRANCE CAPTIVATES travellers with a rich blend of history, culture and cuisine, set against a background of picture-postcard vistas. Vibrant cities, historic towns and bustling villages all await, each with unique character. If you’re looking to experience the unspoilt side of this wonderfully varied country, a great place to start is Hauts-de-France, in the north.